Articles by Mutsu Aka
DriverMax is a tool that changes the way you update your computer drivers. Remember how hard it was to search by yourself all the drivers you needed? DriverMax changed that. You no longer have to …
Extracted from your digital camera and copied to the hard drive…there they are now, innumerable photos of parties, family gatherings, child births, class trips, vacations and lots of other occasions.
What are you going to do …
Kaspersky Anti-Virus is the backbone of your PC’s security system, delivering real-time protection from the latest malware and viruses. It works behind the scenes with intelligent scanning and small, frequent updates, while proactively …
W8 Sidebar is a lightweight tool that acts as a desktop gadget for Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7 systems.
Windows gadgets was introduced in Windows Vista and later these candy desktop additions were abandoned by Microsoft after …
Quick Search is a free local search tool to help users locate files or folders instantly by key words. It is a much faster and easy-to-use alternative to Windows Search. It searches initially when you …
Glary Duplicate Cleaner is an supremely easy-to-use program that helps you to find and remove duplicate files on your computer. It will deep scan for all types of files – photos, music, films, video, Word …