Articles in Free Software Download

Installer version
Portable version
A picture is worth a thousand of words. But sometimes you still want to add words or other information to the picture. For instance,
. Add name tag to people in the photo, …

Windows 32-bit
Windows 64-bit
Microsoft has just published the Office 2016 Preview application for home and enterprise. It is available to Office 365 subscribers, other Office users and non-Office users on the Office website.
If you …

OpenOffice for Windows
OpenOffice for OS X
Apache OpenOffice is the leading open-source office software suite for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, databases and more. It is available in many languages and works on all common …

This is a really huge collection showcasing beautiful landscape desktop wallpapers, where everybody should find one, which suits for their desktop perfectly.
The impressionistic landscape photographer employs photographic techniques that result in images that have …

This is a really huge collection showcasing beautiful landscape desktop wallpapers, where everybody should find one, which suits for their desktop perfectly.
The impressionistic landscape photographer employs photographic techniques that result in images that have …

Flowers hold an important part in human life since they attract insects, birds and other critters which help to pollinate the many plants and vegetables in your own yard. But its importance is not confined …