Articles in Free Software Download

Create a customized puzzle with your very own favorite pictures. See how quickly you can put the pieces back in order.
Does not require installation. Simply download the file and run it.

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The jv16 PowerTools was designed to be a full Windows optimization utility suite containing 27 different main tools. Each of these tools is carefully crafted with the experience of 10 years …

Slice is a free audio file splitter that is designed to split audio files into a set number or a set duration. This easy mp3 splitter software can also detect a specified amount of silence …

MP3 Rocket the fastest file sharing mp3 download software for Free Music Downloads, movies and torrents. Award winning software providing the smartest and fastest access to millions of songs, MP3s, movies, TV shows, live video …

The Jouba Images Converter application was developed to be a small tool that will allow you to convert piles of images to all key formats at one go! Make quick adjustments – resize, rotate. Get …

32-bit Version
64-bit Version
Locate32 is software which can be used to find files from your harddrives and other locations.
It works like updatedb and locate commands in Unix based systems. In other words, it uses databases to …