Articles in MS Office Tips

Google Reader, Bloglines and other RSS readers make it easy to keep on top of the latest news from dozens, or even hundreds of web pages without actually visiting those pages. But if you want …

It’s been over two years since Google brought text-only Chat to the Gmail web interface: and whilst the feature has certainly seen a number of small additions in that time, I think it’s fairly safe …

A lot of businesses have already decided to boycott Windows Vista and many consumers would like to skip it, too. In order to avoid the same mistakes in the next version of the operating system, …

It looks like the rumors were true. Microsoft is hoping to roll out Windows Vista SP2 before Windows 7 is publicly available. How soon? We don’t know for sure. But the company is delivering the …

Earlier this year the developers of online office suite ThinkFree launched a free desktop version of their software designed to run on Windows, Mac, and Linux. ThinkFree Office includes a word processor, spreadheet app and …

Mozilla has released the first Alpha version of Fennec, the mobile web browser which currently runs on the Nokia N810 internet tablet, and which will soon run on Windows Mobile. Fennec is just a code …