FileWing – Undeleter and Remover Completely
If you delete a file in Windows, this file isn’t really deleted. Windows instead intentionally “forgets” where the file is located on the hard disk. It is possible to restore some of these files if they have not been overwritten on the hard disk.
The FileWing application can help you recovering unintentionally deleted files and can also help deleting files by overwriting them multiple times, so that they cannot be recovered anymore – by anyone! And the best thing: You can download FileWing completely free of charge! Take a look at our new Windows tool.
Here are some key features of “FileWing”:
Checks hard disks:
· FileWing checks your internal and external hard disks and also USB-drivesand can identify files that have been deleted. If you mistakenly deleted some files, FileWing can recover these files in most cases.
Recovers lost files:
· FileWing can recover deleted files. Just name a folder where you want to ressurect you files and FileWing will do the rest.
Safely deletes:
· FileWing uses different mehtods to delete data safely. You can choose between 7 different algorithms, which overwrite the files-to-be-deleted with different patterns from 1 to 35 times. The methods we use are based on scientifically proven algorithms – now you can be sure that your deleted files will never show up again!
· FileWing’s interface is easily usable. User-friendly wizards help you in every step of file recovery or deletion.
It is very usefull to me.
Thanhk’s to you!
It’s wonderful.
[...] có thể nhờ đến sự trợ giúp của FileWing.Download FileWing miễn phí tại đây.Mặc dù là phần mềm miễn phí, nhưng người dùng phải đăng ký mã [...]
[...] Download FileWing miễn phí tại đây. [...]
download phan mem FileWing
[...] Download FileWing miễn phí tại đây. [...]
Một phàn mềm thật hữu ích.Thanks
[...] thể nhờ đến sự trợ giúp của FileWing. Download FileWing miễn phí tại đây. Mặc dù là phần mềm miễn phí, nhưng người dùng phải đăng ký mã [...]
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