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iTop Screen Recorder is a free utility application developed by iTop VPN. As the name suggests, this software allows you to record any screen activity. You can record any part of your screen. Not only …

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Yang or no Yang, Microsoft still doesn’t want to buy Yahoo! (Anymore)

Submitted by on November 20, 2008 – 2:06 pmNo Comment

If it seems like every few days we’re checking to see if Microsoft plans to buy Yahoo!, it’s because we are. Earlier this year, Microsoft offered to buy the search company for $33 a share, but Yahoo! CEO Jerry Yang said that bid undervalued the company. After a little back and forth, Microsoft walked away.

Flash forward half a year, and Yahoo! stock is trading at around the $10 mark, Yang has announced plans to step down as CEO, and Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer says the company still isn’t interested in buying Yahoo!. Ballmer says Microsoft is still interested in pursuing a deal with Yahoo! to leverage the company’s search technology. But that’s not too surprising, since Ballmer’s been saying that for months.

Does this mean that we won’t see two of the largest companies in the software and internet space join forces? No, not really. Ballmer could just be negotiating or waiting for Yahoo! stock to drop low enough that he can pick up the company with nothing but spare change found in his couch cushions. But it is interesting to know that the departure of Yahoo!’s CEO seems to have no bearing on Ballmer’s position.

Original Post: DownloadSquad.

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