Disable unnecessary services in Vista safely using Vista Services Optimizer

You’ve probably heard while running Windows Vista that there were a lot of services that would be started by default, but would rarely or never be used. Services like Remote Registry and Telnet are probably never going to be used by most consumer PC users.

However, disabling Windows services has always scared people because many people have ended up disabling services that are essential for Windows to run properly, thereby causing havoc on their machines. You never want to disable services like NetLogon or DNS Client/DNS Server, etc.

So how do you know which services are safe to disable and which one are not? Well, doing it manually is always dangerous, so that’s why you should use a third-party application like Vista Services Optimizer to do the job for you.

Vista Services Optimizer allows you to optimize your Windows services by analyzing your computer system and suggesting services that can be safely turned off. It will never suggest to turn off NetLogon or DNS!

What I like about Vista Services Optimizer is that it asks you a lot of questions and will then customize the services based on your answers. So if you click on Services Test, it will collect some information before scanning your system.

So depending on whether you have a network connection, a printer installed, a scanner installed, firewall or spyware already installed, it will disable services that you will not need accordingly. Easy! And it’s not stupid enough to disable a service that Windows must rely on no matter what.

The other cool thing is the Rescue Center, which will allow you to restore your system back to the original state in case something does get disabled and causes problems. You can rest assured you won’t blow up your computer using this program.

Original Post: Online-tech-tips.com

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